

MEMORY* Both slots are customer accessible / upgradeable, Supports Dual Channel Memory Form Factor Type Maximum # of Slots Microtower DDR4-2400 (Transfer rates up to 2400 MT/s) 32 GB capacity 2 ... 查看更多...
MEMORY* Both slots are customer accessible / upgradeable, Supports Dual Channel Memory Form Factor Type Maximum # of Slots Microtower DDR4-2400 (Transfer rates up to 2400 MT/s) 32 GB capacity 2 DIMM 4GB DDR4-2400 DIMM (1x4GB) 8GB DDR4-2400 DIMM (1x8GB) 16GB DDR4-2400 DIMM (1x16GB) * Full availability of 4 GB or more of memory requires a 64-bit operating system. With Windows 32-bit operating systems, the amount of usable memory is dependent upon your configuration, so that above 3 GB all memory may not be available due to system resource requirements. Memory modules support data transfer rates up to 2400 MT/s; actual data rate is determined by the system’s configured processor. See processor specifications for supported memory data rate. -------------------------------- 看到了,最大支持单条16G DDR4 2400谢谢!
惠普834F(100Series/C320 Series 芯片组 Family A143)64位系统下主板最高支持多少G内存?只支持2*4G吗?不能升级单条16G内存吗?
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