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经典解决方案 : HP LJ3015的问题
发布时间 2004-03-28 07:59:09
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经典解决方案 : HP LJ3015的问题
发布时间 2004-03-28 08:44:02
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经典解决方案 : HP LJ3015的问题
发布时间 2004-03-28 08:29:36
URL: http://plslab.boi.hp.com/releases/Release.asp?GroupID=1
On this page you will find "Freezes" and "Rom Releases" for each of the BFI products. "Freezes" are created weekly. "Rom Releases" are created when a certain milestone has been reached or for a formal audience (such as Canon, QSI, EMU, or MR).
To update your respective unit:
1) Click on the "Update_Me" link and save the exe to your local hard-drive.
2) Connect the device to your PC (Note: I've always used the parallel port, since USB will require that you have the product driver already installed).
3) Turn on the device and make sure it is in the ready state
4) Run the exe. Exe only has 2 choices (either Okay or Cancel).
5) Let the exe run to completion.
URL: http://plslab.boi.hp.com/releases/Release.asp?GroupID=1
On this page you will find "Freezes" and "Rom Releases" for each of the BFI products. "Freezes" are created weekly. "Rom Releases" are created when a certain milestone has been reached or for a formal audience (such as Canon, QSI, EMU, or MR).
To update your respective unit:
1) Click on the "Update_Me" link and save the exe to your local hard-drive.
2) Connect the device to your PC (Note: I've always used the parallel port, since USB will require that you have the product driver already installed).
3) Turn on the device and make sure it is in the ready state
4) Run the exe. Exe only has 2 choices (either Okay or Cancel).
5) Let the exe run to completion.
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