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发布时间 2025-02-22 22:57:41
需要大家的帮助,我的惠普t7200打印机最近出现了这种问题,,在开机初始化的时候,打印头移动过程中会突然停在维护墨盒仓左侧位置,屏幕上报错86:11 ,提示卡纸错误,但是打印机里并没有卡纸,此时屏幕提示如果没有卡纸就按“OK”键,我按了之后,打印机就重新启动,检测错误,最后提示“扫描轴错误”,但是我感觉扫描轴并没有问题 因为打印头左右移动是很顺滑的,另外光栅条也无法看出明显污渍和损坏 可能是什么问题?或者怎么继续检查呢?谢谢大家的关注。
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发布时间 2025-02-22 22:59:27
I need everyone's help. Recently, my HP T7200 printer has had this problem. During the boot - up initialization, the printhead suddenly stops on the left side of the maintenance cartridge compartment while moving. The error code 86:11 appears on the screen, indicating a paper jam error. However, there's actually no paper jam in the printer. At this point, the screen prompts me to press the "OK" button if there's no paper jam. After I press it, the printer restarts and checks for errors, and finally shows a "scanning axis error". But I don't think there's an issue with the scanning axis because the printhead moves smoothly from left to right. Also, there are no obvious stains or damages on the encoding strip. What could be the problem? And how can I continue the inspection? Thank you all for your attention.