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暗黑破坏神与powerpoint2000 冲突?
发布时间 2002-10-12 06:58:22
我的机器是HP vl 420 ,系统是不是win2000 server sp3
安装office 2000。最近在装完暗黑破坏神v1.09D中文版后,在有powerpoint时无法运行游戏,请问是为什么?怎么办?
安装office 2000。最近在装完暗黑破坏神v1.09D中文版后,在有powerpoint时无法运行游戏,请问是为什么?怎么办?
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暗黑破坏神与powerpoint2000 冲突?
发布时间 2002-10-12 07:05:30
your powerpoint2000 have some plugin use the same player (such as moveis and sound)with the game
just stop the powerpoint then start the game
Can you do your powerpoint work when you play your game?
Good luck
just stop the powerpoint then start the game
Can you do your powerpoint work when you play your game?
Good luck
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