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分享我的技巧 : 笔记本开机慢的来试试
发布时间 2004-06-06 08:08:23
XP启动慢,就是画面出来了,音乐要过一段时间才有,然后Norton antivirus才启动。用的是Presario V1008. 从英文论坛得到的,我试了没用. 贴出来看看对别人是否有帮助。
=== Improving System Performance In Windows XP ===
Improper usage of system resources by programs/applications decreases
the performance of the system in Windows XP. You may experience low
system performance due to any of the following causes:
* Programs currently open.
* Graphics intensive effects in Display properties.
* Virtual memory settings.
* Unessential Services loading at Startup.
* Programs running in background.
* Memory leakage and restarting Windows.
You can improve system performance through these methods:
* Close currently open programs
Open background programs use computer memory and resources. These
will usually be shown as an icon in the Systray. The Systray is usually located in the lower-right corner of the monitor. Closing unused programs in Systray will make these resources available for other tasks. To close a program in the Systray, right-click the button or icon and then click Exit or Close.
NOTE: Some programs like AntiVirus applications should not be
disabled. To identify a program, hold the mouse pointer
over each icon. The program name will be displayed as a
tool tip.
* Change the Visual effects in Display properties:
1. Click Start, select Control Panel, and choose Appearance and
2. Select Display.
3. On the Appearance tab, click Effects.
4. In the Effects dialog box, deselect the items not required.
* Change the visual effects in System Properties:
1. Click Start, select Control Panel, and choose Performance and
2. Select System and click the Advanced tab.
3. Click the Settings button under Performance.
4. On the Visual Effects tab, click Custom.
5. Deselect the options that are not required.
* Change the Performance Options settings in Window
=== Improving System Performance In Windows XP ===
Improper usage of system resources by programs/applications decreases
the performance of the system in Windows XP. You may experience low
system performance due to any of the following causes:
* Programs currently open.
* Graphics intensive effects in Display properties.
* Virtual memory settings.
* Unessential Services loading at Startup.
* Programs running in background.
* Memory leakage and restarting Windows.
You can improve system performance through these methods:
* Close currently open programs
Open background programs use computer memory and resources. These
will usually be shown as an icon in the Systray. The Systray is usually located in the lower-right corner of the monitor. Closing unused programs in Systray will make these resources available for other tasks. To close a program in the Systray, right-click the button or icon and then click Exit or Close.
NOTE: Some programs like AntiVirus applications should not be
disabled. To identify a program, hold the mouse pointer
over each icon. The program name will be displayed as a
tool tip.
* Change the Visual effects in Display properties:
1. Click Start, select Control Panel, and choose Appearance and
2. Select Display.
3. On the Appearance tab, click Effects.
4. In the Effects dialog box, deselect the items not required.
* Change the visual effects in System Properties:
1. Click Start, select Control Panel, and choose Performance and
2. Select System and click the Advanced tab.
3. Click the Settings button under Performance.
4. On the Visual Effects tab, click Custom.
5. Deselect the options that are not required.
* Change the Performance Options settings in Window
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分享我的技巧 : 笔记本开机慢的来试试
发布时间 2004-06-09 21:18:21
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分享我的技巧 : 笔记本开机慢的来试试
发布时间 2004-06-07 06:18:19
1. 进入“控制面板”——外观和主题
2. 显示——外观,选“效果”
3. 去掉不必要的选项
1. 进入“控制面板”——性能和 维护
2. 系统——高级,在“性能”一栏里选“设置”
3. 选“高级”,“虚拟内存”一栏里选“更改”
4. 在“所选驱动器页面文件大小”一栏里选更改“初始值”和“最大值”
Indexing Service是个小程序,但须占用大量的内存,可以把里面不必要的东西禁用。具体步骤是:
1. 进入“控制面板”——性能和 维护
2. 选“管理工具”
3. 双击“服务”
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Error Reporting Service
IPSEC Services
Portable Media Serial Number
Remote Registry Service
Wireless Zero Configuration
4. 在弹出的窗口里,双击“Indexing Service”
5. “常规”栏,“启动类型”项选“禁用”
1. 选择“开始”——“运行”
2. 输入“msconfig”
3. 选择“启动”
4. 去掉不必要的选项
1. 重起电脑
2. 同时按下“CTRL, ALT, DEL”三键
3. 选“性能”一栏
4. 开一个可能使机器运行变慢的程序
5. 查看,并记下“物理内存”数值,
6. 多次打开,关闭该程序,中间间隔10秒。
7. 再查看“物理内存”数值,如与第一次查看的比较,第二次的数值是持续的下降,则有内存溢出。这种情况须联系程序开发者。
1. 进入“控制面板”——外观和主题
2. 显示——外观,选“效果”
3. 去掉不必要的选项
1. 进入“控制面板”——性能和 维护
2. 系统——高级,在“性能”一栏里选“设置”
3. 选“高级”,“虚拟内存”一栏里选“更改”
4. 在“所选驱动器页面文件大小”一栏里选更改“初始值”和“最大值”
Indexing Service是个小程序,但须占用大量的内存,可以把里面不必要的东西禁用。具体步骤是:
1. 进入“控制面板”——性能和 维护
2. 选“管理工具”
3. 双击“服务”
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Error Reporting Service
IPSEC Services
Portable Media Serial Number
Remote Registry Service
Wireless Zero Configuration
4. 在弹出的窗口里,双击“Indexing Service”
5. “常规”栏,“启动类型”项选“禁用”
1. 选择“开始”——“运行”
2. 输入“msconfig”
3. 选择“启动”
4. 去掉不必要的选项
1. 重起电脑
2. 同时按下“CTRL, ALT, DEL”三键
3. 选“性能”一栏
4. 开一个可能使机器运行变慢的程序
5. 查看,并记下“物理内存”数值,
6. 多次打开,关闭该程序,中间间隔10秒。
7. 再查看“物理内存”数值,如与第一次查看的比较,第二次的数值是持续的下降,则有内存溢出。这种情况须联系程序开发者。

此主题已经被归档,里面包含的信息和链接可能会过期或者失效。如果您遇到难题,请点击 这里 发帖,或者点击上面的"发布新帖"按钮并选择相应的版块。