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杰出教授 杰出教授
2,623 2,560 202 175
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欢迎您使用HP Support Assistant(惠普管家)软件,可以快速了解机器的保修信息、更新驱动、硬件检测等。
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教务长 教务长
33,707 29,344 2,384 3,208
16个帖子(共 36 条)


@願為你畫眉  已写:


有没有装电脑管家 360之类任何优化系统的软件?


系统桌面,按win+x,菜单中选择windows powershell(管理员)






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Pavilion dv4000
ProBook 6510b
EliteBook 2740p
ProBook 6460b
Pavilion DV4
Envy 15
SlateBook x2
ProDesk 600 G3 SFF
t5740 Thin Client
t620 Thin Client
EliteBook 840 G3
ZBook 15 G3
ProBook 440 G8
Omen 25L GT12 AMD
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37 36 0 0
17个帖子(共 36 条)


Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Stopped AarSvc_44fb7 AarSvc_44fb7
Running AdskLicensingSe... Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service
Running AGMService Adobe Genuine Monitor Service
Stopped AGSService Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Se...
Stopped AJRouter AllJoyn Router Service
Stopped ALG Application Layer Gateway Service
Stopped AntiCheatExpert... AntiCheatExpert Service
Stopped AppIDSvc Application Identity
Running Appinfo Application Information
Stopped AppReadiness App Readiness
Running AppXSvc AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
Stopped aspnet_state ASP.NET State Service
Running AudioEndpointBu... Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
Running Audiosrv Windows Audio
Stopped autotimesvc 手机网络时间
Stopped AxInstSV ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
Stopped BcastDVRUserSer... BcastDVRUserService_44fb7
Stopped BDESVC BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
Stopped BEService BattlEye Service
Running BFE Base Filtering Engine
Stopped BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...
Stopped BluetoothUserSe... BluetoothUserService_44fb7
Running BrokerInfrastru... Background Tasks Infrastructure Ser...
Running BTAGService 蓝牙音频网关服务
Running BthAvctpSvc AVCTP 服务
Stopped bthserv 蓝牙支持服务
Running CAJ Service Host CAJ Service Host
Running camsvc 功能访问管理器服务
Stopped CaptureService_... CaptureService_44fb7
Running cbdhsvc_44fb7 cbdhsvc_44fb7
Running CCBService Chaos Cosmos Browser Service
Running CDPSvc 连接设备平台服务
Running CDPUserSvc_44fb7 CDPUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped CertPropSvc Certificate Propagation
Stopped ClickToRunSvc Microsoft Office 即点即用服务
Stopped ClipSVC Client License Service (ClipSVC)
Stopped COMSysApp COM+ System Application
Stopped ConsentUxUserSv... ConsentUxUserSvc_44fb7
Running CoreMessagingRe... CoreMessaging
Stopped CredentialEnrol... CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc_...
Running CryptSvc Cryptographic Services
Running DcomLaunch DCOM Server Process Launcher
Stopped defragsvc Optimize drives
Running DeviceAssociati... DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc_44fb7
Running DeviceAssociati... Device Association Service
Running DeviceInstall Device Install Service
Stopped DevicePickerUse... DevicePickerUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped DevicesFlowUser... DevicesFlowUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped DevQueryBroker DevQuery Background Discovery Broker
Running Dhcp DHCP Client
Stopped diagnosticshub.... Microsoft (R) 诊断中心标准收集器服务
Stopped diagsvc Diagnostic Execution Service
Stopped DiagTrack Connected User Experiences and Tele...
Running DispBrokerDeskt... 显示策略服务
Running DisplayEnhancem... 显示增强服务
Stopped DmEnrollmentSvc 设备管理注册服务
Stopped dmwappushservice 设备管理无线应用程序协议 (WAP) 推送...
Running Dnscache DNS Client
Running DoSvc Delivery Optimization
Stopped dot3svc Wired AutoConfig
Running DPS Diagnostic Policy Service
Stopped DsmSvc Device Setup Manager
Running DsSvc Data Sharing Service
Running DtsApo4Service DtsApo4Service
Running DusmSvc 数据使用量
Stopped Eaphost Extensible Authentication Protocol
Stopped EasyAntiCheat EasyAntiCheat
Stopped edgeupdate Microsoft Edge Update Service (edge...
Stopped edgeupdatem Microsoft Edge Update Service (edge...
Stopped EFS Encrypting File System (EFS)
Stopped embeddedmode 嵌入模式
Stopped EntAppSvc Enterprise App Management Service
Running ETDService ELAN Service
Running EventLog Windows Event Log
Running EventSystem COM+ Event System
Stopped Fax Fax
Stopped fdPHost Function Discovery Provider Host
Stopped FDResPub Function Discovery Resource Publica...
Stopped fhsvc File History Service
Running FlexNet Licensi... FlexNet Licensing Service
Stopped FlexNet Licensi... FlexNet Licensing Service 64
Running FontCache Windows Font Cache Service
Stopped FontCache3.0.0.0 Windows Presentation Foundation Fon...
Stopped FrameServer Windows Camera Frame Server
Running Futuremark Syst... Futuremark SystemInfo Service
Running FvSvc NVIDIA FrameView SDK service
Stopped GalaxyClientSer... GalaxyClientService
Stopped GalaxyCommunica... GalaxyCommunication
Running GamingServices Gaming Services
Running GamingServicesNet Gaming Services
Stopped gpsvc Group Policy Client
Stopped GraphicsPerfSvc GraphicsPerfSvc
Running hasplms Sentinel LDK License Manager
Stopped HfcDisableService Intel(R) RST HFC Disable Service
Running hidserv Human Interface Device Service
Running HP Comm Recover HP Comm Recovery
Running HPAppHelperCap HP App Helper HSA Service
Running HPDiagsCap HP Diagnostics HSA Service
Running HPNetworkCap HP Network HSA Service
Running HPOmenCap HP Omen HSA Service
Running hpqcaslwmiex HP CASL Framework Service
Running hpqwmiex HP Software Framework Service
Running HPSupportSoluti... HP Support Solutions Framework Service
Stopped HpSvc Hardware Protection Service
Running HPSysInfoCap HP System Info HSA Service
Running HpTouchpointAna... HP Analytics service
Stopped HvHost HV 主机服务
Stopped iaStorAfsService Intel(R) Optane(TM) Memory Service
Running ibtsiva Intel Bluetooth Service
Stopped icssvc Windows 移动热点服务
Running IKEEXT IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
Running InstallService Microsoft Store 安装服务
Stopped Intel(R) Capabi... Intel(R) Capability Licensing Servi...
Stopped Intel(R) TPM Pr... Intel(R) TPM Provisioning Service
Running IntelAudioService Intel(R) Audio Service
Running iphlpsvc IP Helper
Stopped IpxlatCfgSvc IP 转换配置服务
Running jhi_service Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader...
Running KeyIso CNG Key Isolation
Stopped KtmRm KtmRm for Distributed Transaction C...
Running LanmanServer Server
Running LanmanWorkstation Workstation
Running lfsvc Geolocation Service
Running LGHUBUpdaterSer... LGHUB Updater Service
Running LicenseManager Windows 许可证管理器服务
Stopped lltdsvc Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
Running lmhosts TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
Running LSM Local Session Manager
Stopped LxpSvc 语言体验服务
Stopped MapsBroker Downloaded Maps Manager
Stopped MessagingServic... MessagingService_44fb7
Stopped MicrosoftEdgeEl... Microsoft Edge Elevation Service (M...
Stopped MixedRealityOpe... Windows Mixed Reality OpenXR Service
Running mpssvc Windows Defender Firewall
Stopped MSDTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Stopped MSiSCSI Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
Stopped msiserver Windows Installer
Stopped NaturalAuthenti... 自然身份验证
Stopped NcaSvc Network Connectivity Assistant
Running NcbService Network Connection Broker
Stopped NcdAutoSetup Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
Stopped Netlogon Netlogon
Stopped Netman Network Connections
Running netprofm Network List Service
Stopped NetSetupSvc Network Setup Service
Stopped NetTcpPortSharing Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
Stopped NgcCtnrSvc Microsoft Passport Container
Stopped NgcSvc Microsoft Passport
Running NlaSvc Network Location Awareness
Running nsi Network Store Interface Service
Running NvContainerLoca... NVIDIA LocalSystem Container
Running NVDisplay.Conta... NVIDIA Display Container LS
Running OneSyncSvc_44fb7 OneSyncSvc_44fb7
Stopped ose64 Office 64 Source Engine
Stopped p2pimsvc Peer Networking Identity Manager
Stopped p2psvc Peer Networking Grouping
Running PcaSvc Program Compatibility Assistant Ser...
Stopped perceptionsimul... Windows 感知模拟服务
Stopped PerfHost Performance Counter DLL Host
Stopped PhoneSvc Phone Service
Running PimIndexMainten... PimIndexMaintenanceSvc_44fb7
Stopped pla Performance Logs & Alerts
Running PlugPlay Plug and Play
Stopped PNRPAutoReg PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
Stopped PNRPsvc Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Running PolicyAgent IPsec Policy Agent
Running Power Power
Stopped PrintNotify Printer Extensions and Notifications
Stopped PrintWorkflowUs... PrintWorkflowUserSvc_44fb7
Running ProfSvc User Profile Service
Stopped PushToInstall Windows PushToInstall 服务
Running QPCore QPCore Service
Stopped QQLiveService QQLiveService
Stopped QWAVE Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
Stopped RasAuto Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Running RasMan Remote Access Connection Manager
Stopped RemoteAccess Routing and Remote Access
Stopped RemoteRegistry Remote Registry
Stopped RetailDemo 零售演示服务
Running RmSvc 无线电管理服务
Stopped Rockstar Service Rockstar Game Library Service
Running RpcEptMapper RPC Endpoint Mapper
Stopped RpcLocator Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Running RpcSs Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Running RstMwService Intel(R) Storage Middleware Service
Running RtkAudioUnivers... Realtek Audio Universal Service
Running SamSs Security Accounts Manager
Stopped SCardSvr Smart Card
Stopped ScDeviceEnum Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
Running Schedule Task Scheduler
Stopped SCPolicySvc Smart Card Removal Policy
Stopped SDRSVC Windows 备份
Stopped seclogon Secondary Logon
Running SecurityHealthS... Windows 安全中心服务
Running SEMgrSvc 付款和 NFC/SE 管理器
Running SENS System Event Notification Service
Stopped SensorDataService Sensor Data Service
Stopped SensorService Sensor Service
Stopped SensrSvc Sensor Monitoring Service
Stopped SessionEnv Remote Desktop Configuration
Running SgrmBroker System Guard 运行时监视器代理
Stopped SharedAccess Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Stopped SharedRealitySvc 空间数据服务
Running ShellHWDetection Shell Hardware Detection
Stopped shpamsvc Shared PC Account Manager
Stopped smphost Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP
Stopped SmsRouter Microsoft Windows SMS 路由器服务。
Stopped spectrum Windows 感知服务
Running Spooler Print Spooler
Stopped sppsvc Software Protection
Running SQLWriter SQL Server VSS Writer
Running SSDPSRV SSDP Discovery
Stopped ssh-agent OpenSSH Authentication Agent
Running SstpSvc Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Se...
Running StateRepository State Repository Service
Running Steam Client Se... Steam Client Service
Stopped stisvc Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Running StorSvc Storage Service
Stopped svsvc Spot Verifier
Stopped swprv Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Prov...
Running SysMain SysMain
Running SystemEventsBroker System Events Broker
Running TabletInputService Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Pane...
Stopped TapiSrv Telephony
Running TbtHostControll... Thunderbolt(TM) Application Launcher
Running TbtP2pShortcutS... Thunderbolt(TM) Peer to Peer Shortcut
Stopped TermService Remote Desktop Services
Running Themes Themes
Stopped TieringEngineSe... Storage Tiers Management
Running TimeBrokerSvc Time Broker
Running TokenBroker Web 帐户管理器
Running TrkWks Distributed Link Tracking Client
Stopped TroubleshootingSvc 建议疑难解答服务
Stopped TrustedInstaller Windows Modules Installer
Stopped tzautoupdate 自动时区更新程序
Stopped ucldr_battlegro... Uncheater for BattleGrounds_GL
Stopped UdkUserSvc_44fb7 UdkUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped uhssvc Microsoft Update Health Service
Stopped UmRdpService Remote Desktop Services UserMode Po...
Running UnistoreSvc_44fb7 UnistoreSvc_44fb7
Stopped upnphost UPnP Device Host
Running UserDataSvc_44fb7 UserDataSvc_44fb7
Running UserManager User Manager
Running UsoSvc 更新 Orchestrator 服务
Stopped VacSvc 立体音频组合器服务
Running VaultSvc Credential Manager
Stopped vds Virtual Disk
Stopped vmicguestinterface Hyper-V Guest Service Interface
Stopped vmicheartbeat Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
Stopped vmickvpexchange Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
Stopped vmicrdv Hyper-V 远程桌面虚拟化服务
Stopped vmicshutdown Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
Stopped vmictimesync Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
Stopped vmicvmsession Hyper-V PowerShell Direct Service
Stopped vmicvss Hyper-V 卷影复制请求程序
Running VRLService VRLService
Stopped vrswrm-service V-Ray Swarm
Stopped VSS Volume Shadow Copy
Stopped W32Time Windows Time
Running WaaSMedicSvc Windows 更新医生服务
Stopped WalletService WalletService
Running Wallpaper Engin... Wallpaper Engine Service
Stopped WarpJITSvc WarpJITSvc
Stopped wbengine Block Level Backup Engine Service
Stopped WbioSrvc Windows Biometric Service
Running Wcmsvc Windows Connection Manager
Stopped wcncsvc Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
Running WdiServiceHost Diagnostic Service Host
Running WdiSystemHost Diagnostic System Host
Stopped WdNisSvc Microsoft Defender Antivirus Networ...
Stopped WebClient WebClient
Stopped Wecsvc Windows Event Collector
Stopped WemeetUpdateSvc WemeetUpdateSvc
Stopped WEPHOSTSVC Windows Encryption Provider Host Se...
Stopped wercplsupport Problem Reports Control Panel Support
Stopped WerSvc Windows Error Reporting Service
Stopped WFDSConMgrSvc WLAN Direct 服务连接管理器服务
Stopped WiaRpc Still Image Acquisition Events
Stopped WinDefend Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service
Running WinHttpAutoProx... WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Se...
Running Winmgmt Windows Management Instrumentation
Stopped WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Manag...
Stopped wisvc Windows 预览体验成员服务
Running WlanSvc WLAN AutoConfig
Running wlidsvc Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
Stopped wlpasvc 本地配置文件助手服务
Stopped WManSvc Windows 管理服务
Stopped wmiApSrv WMI Performance Adapter
Stopped WMPNetworkSvc Windows Media Player Network Sharin...
Stopped workfolderssvc Work Folders
Stopped WpcMonSvc 家长控制
Stopped WPDBusEnum Portable Device Enumerator Service
Running WpnService Windows 推送通知系统服务
Running WpnUserService_... WpnUserService_44fb7
Running wscsvc Security Center
Running WSearch Windows Search
Stopped wuauserv Windows Update
Stopped WwanSvc WWAN AutoConfig
Stopped XblAuthManager Xbox Live 身份验证管理器
Stopped XblGameSave Xbox Live 游戏保存
Stopped XboxGipSvc Xbox Accessory Management Service
Stopped XboxNetApiSvc Xbox Live 网络服务
Stopped XLServicePlatform 迅雷下载基础服务(用于快速申请磁盘...
Running XTU3SERVICE XTUOCDriverService
Stopped zksvc Zakynthos Service


这条回复对您有帮助吗? 没有
37 36 0 0
18个帖子(共 36 条)



这条回复对您有帮助吗? 没有
5 4 0 0
19个帖子(共 36 条)


Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Stopped AarSvc_a6ac16 Agent Activation Runtime_a6ac16
Stopped AJRouter AllJoyn Router Service
Stopped ALG Application Layer Gateway Service
Stopped AppIDSvc Application Identity
Running Appinfo Application Information
Stopped AppMgmt Application Management
Stopped AppReadiness App Readiness
Stopped AppVClient Microsoft App-V Client
Running AppXSvc AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
Stopped AssignedAccessM... AssignedAccessManager 服务
Running AudioEndpointBu... Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
Running Audiosrv Windows Audio
Stopped autotimesvc 手机网络时间
Stopped AxInstSV ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
Stopped BcastDVRUserSer... GameDVR 和广播用户服务_a6ac16
Stopped BDESVC BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
Running BFE Base Filtering Engine
Stopped BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...
Stopped BluetoothUserSe... 蓝牙用户支持服务_a6ac16
Running BrokerInfrastru... Background Tasks Infrastructure Ser...
Running BTAGService 蓝牙音频网关服务
Running BthAvctpSvc AVCTP 服务
Running bthserv 蓝牙支持服务
Running camsvc 功能访问管理器服务
Stopped CaptureService_... CaptureService_a6ac16
Running cbdhsvc_a6ac16 剪贴板用户服务_a6ac16
Running CDPSvc 连接设备平台服务
Running CDPUserSvc_a6ac16 连接设备平台用户服务_a6ac16
Stopped CertPropSvc Certificate Propagation
Stopped ClipSVC Client License Service (ClipSVC)
Stopped COMSysApp COM+ System Application
Stopped ConsentUxUserSv... ConsentUX_a6ac16
Running CoreMessagingRe... CoreMessaging
Stopped CredentialEnrol... CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc_...
Running CryptSvc Cryptographic Services
Stopped CscService Offline Files
Running DcomLaunch DCOM Server Process Launcher
Stopped defragsvc Optimize drives
Stopped DeviceAssociati... DeviceAssociationBroker_a6ac16
Running DeviceAssociati... Device Association Service
Stopped DeviceInstall Device Install Service
Stopped DevicePickerUse... DevicePicker_a6ac16
Stopped DevicesFlowUser... DevicesFlow_a6ac16
Stopped DevQueryBroker DevQuery Background Discovery Broker
Running Dhcp DHCP Client
Stopped diagnosticshub.... Microsoft (R) 诊断中心标准收集器服务
Stopped diagsvc Diagnostic Execution Service
Running DiagTrack Connected User Experiences and Tele...
Running DispBrokerDeskt... 显示策略服务
Running DisplayEnhancem... 显示增强服务
Stopped DmEnrollmentSvc 设备管理注册服务
Stopped dmwappushservice 设备管理无线应用程序协议 (WAP) 推送...
Running Dnscache DNS Client
Stopped DoSvc Delivery Optimization
Stopped dot3svc Wired AutoConfig
Running DPS Diagnostic Policy Service
Stopped DsmSvc Device Setup Manager
Stopped DsSvc Data Sharing Service
Running DtsApo4Service DtsApo4Service
Running DusmSvc 数据使用量
Running EABackgroundSer... EABackgroundService
Stopped Eaphost Extensible Authentication Protocol
Stopped EasyAntiCheat EasyAntiCheat
Stopped edgeupdate Microsoft Edge 更新 服务 (edgeupdate)
Stopped edgeupdatem Microsoft Edge 更新 服务 (edgeupda...
Stopped EFS Encrypting File System (EFS)
Stopped embeddedmode 嵌入模式
Stopped EntAppSvc Enterprise App Management Service
Running EventLog Windows Event Log
Running EventSystem COM+ Event System
Stopped Fax Fax
Running fdPHost Function Discovery Provider Host
Running FDResPub Function Discovery Resource Publica...
Stopped fhsvc File History Service
Running FontCache Windows Font Cache Service
Stopped FontCache3.0.0.0 Windows Presentation Foundation Fon...
Stopped FrameServer Windows Camera Frame Server
Stopped FvSvc NVIDIA FrameView SDK service
Stopped gpsvc Group Policy Client
Running GraphicsPerfSvc GraphicsPerfSvc
Stopped HfcDisableService Intel(R) RST HFC Disable Service
Running hidserv Human Interface Device Service
Running HP Comm Recover HP Comm Recovery
Running HPAppHelperCap HP App Helper HSA Service
Running HPNetworkCap HP Network HSA Service
Running HPOmenCap HP Omen HSA Service
Running HPSupportSoluti... HP Support Solutions Framework Service
Running HPSysInfoCap HP System Info HSA Service
Stopped HvHost HV 主机服务
Stopped iaStorAfsService Intel(R) Optane(TM) Memory Service
Running ibtsiva Intel Bluetooth Service
Stopped icssvc Windows 移动热点服务
Running IKEEXT IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
Running InstallService Microsoft Store 安装服务
Stopped Intel(R) Capabi... Intel(R) Capability Licensing Servi...
Stopped Intel(R) TPM Pr... Intel(R) TPM Provisioning Service
Running IntelAudioService Intel(R) Audio Service
Running iphlpsvc IP Helper
Stopped IpxlatCfgSvc IP 转换配置服务
Running jhi_service Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader...
Running KeyIso CNG Key Isolation
Stopped KtmRm KtmRm for Distributed Transaction C...
Running LanmanServer Server
Running LanmanWorkstation Workstation
Running lfsvc Geolocation Service
Running LicenseManager Windows 许可证管理器服务
Stopped lltdsvc Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
Running lmhosts TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
Running LSM Local Session Manager
Stopped LxpSvc 语言体验服务
Stopped MapsBroker Downloaded Maps Manager
Stopped MessagingServic... MessagingService_a6ac16
Stopped MicrosoftEdgeEl... Microsoft Edge Elevation Service (M...
Stopped MixedRealityOpe... Windows Mixed Reality OpenXR Service
Running mpssvc Windows Defender Firewall
Stopped MSDTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Stopped MSiSCSI Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
Stopped msiserver Windows Installer
Stopped NaturalAuthenti... 自然身份验证
Stopped NcaSvc Network Connectivity Assistant
Running NcbService Network Connection Broker
Running NcdAutoSetup Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
Stopped Netlogon Netlogon
Stopped Netman Network Connections
Running netprofm Network List Service
Stopped NetSetupSvc Network Setup Service
Stopped NetTcpPortSharing Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
Stopped NgcCtnrSvc Microsoft Passport Container
Stopped NgcSvc Microsoft Passport
Running NlaSvc Network Location Awareness
Running nsi Network Store Interface Service
Running NvContainerLoca... NVIDIA LocalSystem Container
Running NVDisplay.Conta... NVIDIA Display Container LS
Running OneSyncSvc_a6ac16 同步主机_a6ac16
Stopped Origin Client S... Origin Client Service
Running Origin Web Help... Origin Web Helper Service
Stopped p2pimsvc Peer Networking Identity Manager
Stopped p2psvc Peer Networking Grouping
Running PcaSvc Program Compatibility Assistant Ser...
Stopped PeerDistSvc BranchCache
Stopped perceptionsimul... Windows 感知模拟服务
Stopped PerfHost Performance Counter DLL Host
Running PhoneSvc Phone Service
Stopped PimIndexMainten... Contact Data_a6ac16
Stopped pla Performance Logs & Alerts
Running PlugPlay Plug and Play
Stopped PNRPAutoReg PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
Stopped PNRPsvc Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Stopped PolicyAgent IPsec Policy Agent
Running Power Power
Stopped PrintNotify Printer Extensions and Notifications
Stopped PrintWorkflowUs... PrintWorkflow_a6ac16
Running ProfSvc User Profile Service
Stopped PushToInstall Windows PushToInstall 服务
Running QPCore QPCore Service
Stopped QQPYService QQ拼音输入法基础服务
Stopped QWAVE Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
Stopped RasAuto Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Running RasMan Remote Access Connection Manager
Running Razer Chroma SD... Razer Chroma SDK Server
Running Razer Chroma SD... Razer Chroma SDK Service
Running Razer Game Mana... Razer Game Manager
Running Razer Synapse S... Razer Synapse Service
Stopped RemoteAccess Routing and Remote Access
Stopped RemoteRegistry Remote Registry
Stopped RetailDemo 零售演示服务
Running RmSvc 无线电管理服务
Running RpcEptMapper RPC Endpoint Mapper
Stopped RpcLocator Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Running RpcSs Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Running RstMwService RstMwService
Running RtkAudioUnivers... Realtek Audio Universal Service
Running RzActionSvc Razer Central Service
Running SamSs Security Accounts Manager
Stopped SCardSvr Smart Card
Stopped ScDeviceEnum Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
Running Schedule Task Scheduler
Stopped SCPolicySvc Smart Card Removal Policy
Stopped SDRSVC Windows 备份
Stopped seclogon Secondary Logon
Running SecurityHealthS... Windows 安全中心服务
Stopped SEMgrSvc 付款和 NFC/SE 管理器
Running SENS System Event Notification Service
Stopped Sense Windows Defender Advanced Threat Pr...
Stopped SensorDataService Sensor Data Service
Stopped SensorService Sensor Service
Stopped SensrSvc Sensor Monitoring Service
Stopped SessionEnv Remote Desktop Configuration
Running SgrmBroker System Guard 运行时监视器代理
Stopped SharedAccess Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Stopped SharedRealitySvc 空间数据服务
Running ShellHWDetection Shell Hardware Detection
Stopped shpamsvc Shared PC Account Manager
Stopped smphost Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP
Stopped SmsRouter Microsoft Windows SMS 路由器服务。
Stopped spectrum Windows 感知服务
Running Spooler Print Spooler
Stopped sppsvc Software Protection
Running SSDPSRV SSDP Discovery
Stopped ssh-agent OpenSSH Authentication Agent
Running SstpSvc Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Se...
Running StateRepository State Repository Service
Running Steam Client Se... Steam Client Service
Running stisvc Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Running StorSvc Storage Service
Stopped svsvc Spot Verifier
Stopped swprv Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Prov...
Running SysMain SysMain
Running SystemEventsBroker System Events Broker
Running TabletInputService Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Pane...
Stopped TapiSrv Telephony
Stopped TermService Remote Desktop Services
Running Themes Themes
Stopped TieringEngineSe... Storage Tiers Management
Running TimeBrokerSvc Time Broker
Running TokenBroker Web 帐户管理器
Running TrkWks Distributed Link Tracking Client
Stopped TroubleshootingSvc 建议疑难解答服务
Stopped TrustedInstaller Windows Modules Installer
Stopped tzautoupdate 自动时区更新程序
Stopped UdkUserSvc_a6ac16 Udk 用户服务_a6ac16
Stopped UevAgentService User Experience Virtualization Service
Stopped UmRdpService Remote Desktop Services UserMode Po...
Stopped UnistoreSvc_a6ac16 User Data Storage_a6ac16
Stopped upnphost UPnP Device Host
Stopped UserDataSvc_a6ac16 User Data Access_a6ac16
Running UserManager User Manager
Running UsoSvc 更新 Orchestrator 服务
Stopped VacSvc 立体音频组合器服务
Running VaultSvc Credential Manager
Stopped vds Virtual Disk
Stopped vmicguestinterface Hyper-V Guest Service Interface
Stopped vmicheartbeat Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
Stopped vmickvpexchange Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
Stopped vmicrdv Hyper-V 远程桌面虚拟化服务
Stopped vmicshutdown Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
Stopped vmictimesync Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
Stopped vmicvmsession Hyper-V PowerShell Direct Service
Stopped vmicvss Hyper-V 卷影复制请求程序
Stopped VSS Volume Shadow Copy
Stopped W32Time Windows Time
Stopped WaaSMedicSvc Windows 更新医生服务
Stopped WalletService WalletService
Stopped WarpJITSvc WarpJITSvc
Stopped wbengine Block Level Backup Engine Service
Stopped WbioSrvc Windows Biometric Service
Running Wcmsvc Windows Connection Manager
Stopped wcncsvc Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
Running WdiServiceHost Diagnostic Service Host
Stopped WdiSystemHost Diagnostic System Host
Stopped WdNisSvc Microsoft Defender Antivirus Networ...
Stopped WebClient WebClient
Stopped Wecsvc Windows Event Collector
Stopped WEPHOSTSVC Windows Encryption Provider Host Se...
Stopped wercplsupport Problem Reports Control Panel Support
Stopped WerSvc Windows Error Reporting Service
Stopped WFDSConMgrSvc WLAN Direct 服务连接管理器服务
Stopped WiaRpc Still Image Acquisition Events
Stopped WinDefend Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service
Running WinHttpAutoProx... WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Se...
Running Winmgmt Windows Management Instrumentation
Stopped WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Manag...
Stopped wisvc Windows 预览体验成员服务
Running WlanSvc WLAN AutoConfig
Running wlidsvc Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
Stopped wlpasvc 本地配置文件助手服务
Stopped WManSvc Windows 管理服务
Stopped wmiApSrv WMI Performance Adapter
Stopped WMPNetworkSvc Windows Media Player Network Sharin...
Stopped workfolderssvc Work Folders
Stopped WpcMonSvc 家长控制
Stopped WPDBusEnum Portable Device Enumerator Service
Running WpnService Windows 推送通知系统服务
Running WpnUserService_... Windows Push Notifications User Ser...
Stopped wpscloudsvr WPS Office Cloud Service
Running wscsvc Security Center
Running WSearch Windows Search
Stopped wuauserv Windows Update
Stopped WwanSvc WWAN AutoConfig
Running XblAuthManager Xbox Live 身份验证管理器
Stopped XblGameSave Xbox Live 游戏保存
Stopped XboxGipSvc Xbox Accessory Management Service
Stopped XboxNetApiSvc Xbox Live 网络服务
Running XTU3SERVICE XTUOCDriverService


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Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Stopped AarSvc_44fb7 AarSvc_44fb7
Running AdskLicensingSe... Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service
Running AGMService Adobe Genuine Monitor Service
Stopped AGSService Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Se...
Stopped AJRouter AllJoyn Router Service
Stopped ALG Application Layer Gateway Service
Stopped AntiCheatExpert... AntiCheatExpert Service
Stopped AppIDSvc Application Identity
Running Appinfo Application Information
Stopped AppReadiness App Readiness
Running AppXSvc AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC)
Stopped aspnet_state ASP.NET State Service
Running AudioEndpointBu... Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
Running Audiosrv Windows Audio
Stopped autotimesvc 手机网络时间
Stopped AxInstSV ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
Stopped BcastDVRUserSer... BcastDVRUserService_44fb7
Stopped BDESVC BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
Stopped BEService BattlEye Service
Running BFE Base Filtering Engine
Stopped BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Ser...
Stopped BluetoothUserSe... BluetoothUserService_44fb7
Running BrokerInfrastru... Background Tasks Infrastructure Ser...
Running BTAGService 蓝牙音频网关服务
Running BthAvctpSvc AVCTP 服务
Stopped bthserv 蓝牙支持服务
Running CAJ Service Host CAJ Service Host
Running camsvc 功能访问管理器服务
Stopped CaptureService_... CaptureService_44fb7
Running cbdhsvc_44fb7 cbdhsvc_44fb7
Running CCBService Chaos Cosmos Browser Service
Running CDPSvc 连接设备平台服务
Running CDPUserSvc_44fb7 CDPUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped CertPropSvc Certificate Propagation
Stopped ClickToRunSvc Microsoft Office 即点即用服务
Stopped ClipSVC Client License Service (ClipSVC)
Stopped COMSysApp COM+ System Application
Stopped ConsentUxUserSv... ConsentUxUserSvc_44fb7
Running CoreMessagingRe... CoreMessaging
Stopped CredentialEnrol... CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc_...
Running CryptSvc Cryptographic Services
Running DcomLaunch DCOM Server Process Launcher
Stopped defragsvc Optimize drives
Running DeviceAssociati... DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc_44fb7
Running DeviceAssociati... Device Association Service
Running DeviceInstall Device Install Service
Stopped DevicePickerUse... DevicePickerUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped DevicesFlowUser... DevicesFlowUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped DevQueryBroker DevQuery Background Discovery Broker
Running Dhcp DHCP Client
Stopped diagnosticshub.... Microsoft (R) 诊断中心标准收集器服务
Stopped diagsvc Diagnostic Execution Service
Stopped DiagTrack Connected User Experiences and Tele...
Running DispBrokerDeskt... 显示策略服务
Running DisplayEnhancem... 显示增强服务
Stopped DmEnrollmentSvc 设备管理注册服务
Stopped dmwappushservice 设备管理无线应用程序协议 (WAP) 推送...
Running Dnscache DNS Client
Running DoSvc Delivery Optimization
Stopped dot3svc Wired AutoConfig
Running DPS Diagnostic Policy Service
Stopped DsmSvc Device Setup Manager
Running DsSvc Data Sharing Service
Running DtsApo4Service DtsApo4Service
Running DusmSvc 数据使用量
Stopped Eaphost Extensible Authentication Protocol
Stopped EasyAntiCheat EasyAntiCheat
Stopped edgeupdate Microsoft Edge Update Service (edge...
Stopped edgeupdatem Microsoft Edge Update Service (edge...
Stopped EFS Encrypting File System (EFS)
Stopped embeddedmode 嵌入模式
Stopped EntAppSvc Enterprise App Management Service
Running ETDService ELAN Service
Running EventLog Windows Event Log
Running EventSystem COM+ Event System
Stopped Fax Fax
Stopped fdPHost Function Discovery Provider Host
Stopped FDResPub Function Discovery Resource Publica...
Stopped fhsvc File History Service
Running FlexNet Licensi... FlexNet Licensing Service
Stopped FlexNet Licensi... FlexNet Licensing Service 64
Running FontCache Windows Font Cache Service
Stopped FontCache3.0.0.0 Windows Presentation Foundation Fon...
Stopped FrameServer Windows Camera Frame Server
Running Futuremark Syst... Futuremark SystemInfo Service
Running FvSvc NVIDIA FrameView SDK service
Stopped GalaxyClientSer... GalaxyClientService
Stopped GalaxyCommunica... GalaxyCommunication
Running GamingServices Gaming Services
Running GamingServicesNet Gaming Services
Stopped gpsvc Group Policy Client
Stopped GraphicsPerfSvc GraphicsPerfSvc
Running hasplms Sentinel LDK License Manager
Stopped HfcDisableService Intel(R) RST HFC Disable Service
Running hidserv Human Interface Device Service
Running HP Comm Recover HP Comm Recovery
Running HPAppHelperCap HP App Helper HSA Service
Running HPDiagsCap HP Diagnostics HSA Service
Running HPNetworkCap HP Network HSA Service
Running HPOmenCap HP Omen HSA Service
Running hpqcaslwmiex HP CASL Framework Service
Running hpqwmiex HP Software Framework Service
Running HPSupportSoluti... HP Support Solutions Framework Service
Stopped HpSvc Hardware Protection Service
Running HPSysInfoCap HP System Info HSA Service
Running HpTouchpointAna... HP Analytics service
Stopped HvHost HV 主机服务
Stopped iaStorAfsService Intel(R) Optane(TM) Memory Service
Running ibtsiva Intel Bluetooth Service
Stopped icssvc Windows 移动热点服务
Running IKEEXT IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
Running InstallService Microsoft Store 安装服务
Stopped Intel(R) Capabi... Intel(R) Capability Licensing Servi...
Stopped Intel(R) TPM Pr... Intel(R) TPM Provisioning Service
Running IntelAudioService Intel(R) Audio Service
Running iphlpsvc IP Helper
Stopped IpxlatCfgSvc IP 转换配置服务
Running jhi_service Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader...
Running KeyIso CNG Key Isolation
Stopped KtmRm KtmRm for Distributed Transaction C...
Running LanmanServer Server
Running LanmanWorkstation Workstation
Running lfsvc Geolocation Service
Running LGHUBUpdaterSer... LGHUB Updater Service
Running LicenseManager Windows 许可证管理器服务
Stopped lltdsvc Link-Layer Topology Discovery Mapper
Running lmhosts TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
Running LSM Local Session Manager
Stopped LxpSvc 语言体验服务
Stopped MapsBroker Downloaded Maps Manager
Stopped MessagingServic... MessagingService_44fb7
Stopped MicrosoftEdgeEl... Microsoft Edge Elevation Service (M...
Stopped MixedRealityOpe... Windows Mixed Reality OpenXR Service
Running mpssvc Windows Defender Firewall
Stopped MSDTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Stopped MSiSCSI Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
Stopped msiserver Windows Installer
Stopped NaturalAuthenti... 自然身份验证
Stopped NcaSvc Network Connectivity Assistant
Running NcbService Network Connection Broker
Stopped NcdAutoSetup Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
Stopped Netlogon Netlogon
Stopped Netman Network Connections
Running netprofm Network List Service
Stopped NetSetupSvc Network Setup Service
Stopped NetTcpPortSharing Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
Stopped NgcCtnrSvc Microsoft Passport Container
Stopped NgcSvc Microsoft Passport
Running NlaSvc Network Location Awareness
Running nsi Network Store Interface Service
Running NvContainerLoca... NVIDIA LocalSystem Container
Running NVDisplay.Conta... NVIDIA Display Container LS
Running OneSyncSvc_44fb7 OneSyncSvc_44fb7
Stopped ose64 Office 64 Source Engine
Stopped p2pimsvc Peer Networking Identity Manager
Stopped p2psvc Peer Networking Grouping
Running PcaSvc Program Compatibility Assistant Ser...
Stopped perceptionsimul... Windows 感知模拟服务
Stopped PerfHost Performance Counter DLL Host
Stopped PhoneSvc Phone Service
Running PimIndexMainten... PimIndexMaintenanceSvc_44fb7
Stopped pla Performance Logs & Alerts
Running PlugPlay Plug and Play
Stopped PNRPAutoReg PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
Stopped PNRPsvc Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Running PolicyAgent IPsec Policy Agent
Running Power Power
Stopped PrintNotify Printer Extensions and Notifications
Stopped PrintWorkflowUs... PrintWorkflowUserSvc_44fb7
Running ProfSvc User Profile Service
Stopped PushToInstall Windows PushToInstall 服务
Running QPCore QPCore Service
Stopped QQLiveService QQLiveService
Stopped QWAVE Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
Stopped RasAuto Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Running RasMan Remote Access Connection Manager
Stopped RemoteAccess Routing and Remote Access
Stopped RemoteRegistry Remote Registry
Stopped RetailDemo 零售演示服务
Running RmSvc 无线电管理服务
Stopped Rockstar Service Rockstar Game Library Service
Running RpcEptMapper RPC Endpoint Mapper
Stopped RpcLocator Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Running RpcSs Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Running RstMwService Intel(R) Storage Middleware Service
Running RtkAudioUnivers... Realtek Audio Universal Service
Running SamSs Security Accounts Manager
Stopped SCardSvr Smart Card
Stopped ScDeviceEnum Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
Running Schedule Task Scheduler
Stopped SCPolicySvc Smart Card Removal Policy
Stopped SDRSVC Windows 备份
Stopped seclogon Secondary Logon
Running SecurityHealthS... Windows 安全中心服务
Running SEMgrSvc 付款和 NFC/SE 管理器
Running SENS System Event Notification Service
Stopped SensorDataService Sensor Data Service
Stopped SensorService Sensor Service
Stopped SensrSvc Sensor Monitoring Service
Stopped SessionEnv Remote Desktop Configuration
Running SgrmBroker System Guard 运行时监视器代理
Stopped SharedAccess Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Stopped SharedRealitySvc 空间数据服务
Running ShellHWDetection Shell Hardware Detection
Stopped shpamsvc Shared PC Account Manager
Stopped smphost Microsoft Storage Spaces SMP
Stopped SmsRouter Microsoft Windows SMS 路由器服务。
Stopped spectrum Windows 感知服务
Running Spooler Print Spooler
Stopped sppsvc Software Protection
Running SQLWriter SQL Server VSS Writer
Running SSDPSRV SSDP Discovery
Stopped ssh-agent OpenSSH Authentication Agent
Running SstpSvc Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Se...
Running StateRepository State Repository Service
Running Steam Client Se... Steam Client Service
Stopped stisvc Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Running StorSvc Storage Service
Stopped svsvc Spot Verifier
Stopped swprv Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Prov...
Running SysMain SysMain
Running SystemEventsBroker System Events Broker
Running TabletInputService Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Pane...
Stopped TapiSrv Telephony
Running TbtHostControll... Thunderbolt(TM) Application Launcher
Running TbtP2pShortcutS... Thunderbolt(TM) Peer to Peer Shortcut
Stopped TermService Remote Desktop Services
Running Themes Themes
Stopped TieringEngineSe... Storage Tiers Management
Running TimeBrokerSvc Time Broker
Running TokenBroker Web 帐户管理器
Running TrkWks Distributed Link Tracking Client
Stopped TroubleshootingSvc 建议疑难解答服务
Stopped TrustedInstaller Windows Modules Installer
Stopped tzautoupdate 自动时区更新程序
Stopped ucldr_battlegro... Uncheater for BattleGrounds_GL
Stopped UdkUserSvc_44fb7 UdkUserSvc_44fb7
Stopped uhssvc Microsoft Update Health Service
Stopped UmRdpService Remote Desktop Services UserMode Po...
Running UnistoreSvc_44fb7 UnistoreSvc_44fb7
Stopped upnphost UPnP Device Host
Running UserDataSvc_44fb7 UserDataSvc_44fb7
Running UserManager User Manager
Running UsoSvc 更新 Orchestrator 服务
Stopped VacSvc 立体音频组合器服务
Running VaultSvc Credential Manager
Stopped vds Virtual Disk
Stopped vmicguestinterface Hyper-V Guest Service Interface
Stopped vmicheartbeat Hyper-V Heartbeat Service
Stopped vmickvpexchange Hyper-V Data Exchange Service
Stopped vmicrdv Hyper-V 远程桌面虚拟化服务
Stopped vmicshutdown Hyper-V Guest Shutdown Service
Stopped vmictimesync Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
Stopped vmicvmsession Hyper-V PowerShell Direct Service
Stopped vmicvss Hyper-V 卷影复制请求程序
Running VRLService VRLService
Stopped vrswrm-service V-Ray Swarm
Stopped VSS Volume Shadow Copy
Stopped W32Time Windows Time
Running WaaSMedicSvc Windows 更新医生服务
Stopped WalletService WalletService
Running Wallpaper Engin... Wallpaper Engine Service
Stopped WarpJITSvc WarpJITSvc
Stopped wbengine Block Level Backup Engine Service
Stopped WbioSrvc Windows Biometric Service
Running Wcmsvc Windows Connection Manager
Stopped wcncsvc Windows Connect Now - Config Registrar
Running WdiServiceHost Diagnostic Service Host
Running WdiSystemHost Diagnostic System Host
Stopped WdNisSvc Microsoft Defender Antivirus Networ...
Stopped WebClient WebClient
Stopped Wecsvc Windows Event Collector
Stopped WemeetUpdateSvc WemeetUpdateSvc
Stopped WEPHOSTSVC Windows Encryption Provider Host Se...
Stopped wercplsupport Problem Reports Control Panel Support
Stopped WerSvc Windows Error Reporting Service
Stopped WFDSConMgrSvc WLAN Direct 服务连接管理器服务
Stopped WiaRpc Still Image Acquisition Events
Stopped WinDefend Microsoft Defender Antivirus Service
Running WinHttpAutoProx... WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Se...
Running Winmgmt Windows Management Instrumentation
Stopped WinRM Windows Remote Management (WS-Manag...
Stopped wisvc Windows 预览体验成员服务
Running WlanSvc WLAN AutoConfig
Running wlidsvc Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant
Stopped wlpasvc 本地配置文件助手服务
Stopped WManSvc Windows 管理服务
Stopped wmiApSrv WMI Performance Adapter
Stopped WMPNetworkSvc Windows Media Player Network Sharin...
Stopped workfolderssvc Work Folders
Stopped WpcMonSvc 家长控制
Stopped WPDBusEnum Portable Device Enumerator Service
Running WpnService Windows 推送通知系统服务
Running WpnUserService_... WpnUserService_44fb7
Running wscsvc Security Center
Running WSearch Windows Search
Stopped wuauserv Windows Update
Stopped WwanSvc WWAN AutoConfig
Stopped XblAuthManager Xbox Live 身份验证管理器
Stopped XblGameSave Xbox Live 游戏保存
Stopped XboxGipSvc Xbox Accessory Management Service
Stopped XboxNetApiSvc Xbox Live 网络服务
Stopped XLServicePlatform 迅雷下载基础服务(用于快速申请磁盘...
Running ZhuDongFangYu 主动防御
Stopped zksvc Zakynthos Service


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